Lately it seems I am discovering new incredible websites on a daily basis! Designers and developers all over are pushing the boundaries of what a website can do and how a user can interact with it.
Here are a few of my favorite websites right now:
Founders Breakfast Club
The way many of the elements overlap gives the site some depth while still using clean, flat design. While the overall feel is simple, I also notice some pleasant surprises like the orange highlighted words, the rich photography, the simple content fade-in effect, and the revealed background photo you see when you scroll down. The the animation and fixed background image create a nice experience without detracting from the content of the website.
Majestic Steel
I’ve never had to purchase steel, but when that time comes I will think of Majestic Steel right away! This website perfectly captures the historic, industrial, gritty-ness of how I imagine a steel factory to feel (I’ve also never been to a steel factory, but hey). I especially love how Majestic embraces their history – their pride shines brightly throughout the whole site. When you visit this site, be sure to stop by the Products page and check out the fantastic animations they’ve created for each item.
Blossom Type
This site is just good old-fashioned, typographic fun. You type out your own message using a typeface of hand–crafted flower letters! It’s a simple concept, but think of the amount of work, care and love that went into creating each letter. So cool!
Species in Pieces
Designer Bryan James created this site as a CSS experiment, but also to draw attention to 30 animals that are currently facing extinction. Each animal is built purely by using CSS and they are all beautiful! Especially cool is the Fiji Crested Iguana (#8) – it changes color! Take the time to go through them, even if it’s just to admire the work – you’ll be sure to learn something about the animals in the process!
Studio Meta
Studio Meta is a web agency from France and their website is yet great example of how the boundaries are being pushed for interaction. Scrolling through the featured projects on their home page is surprisingly delightful. Each project is made to feel like a work of art (which they undoubtedly are) as each one gets your undivided attention by taking up the whole screen. The slight animation on the photos makes it hard to resist clicking in to each project.
So, there you have it! Those are the sites I’ve been inspired by lately, although I’m finding new ones every day. What are some of your favorite website designs? If you’re looking for inspiration yourself, here are some site I frequent:
Dribbble | Awwwards | Site Inspire