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Madison, Wisconsin
Powderkeg Web Design
February 24, 2014

Alexis Ohanian // Inspiration // Serendipity

Alexis Ohanian // Inspiration // Serendipity

Last week, a group of us from work went to see Alexis Ohanian, the co-founder of Reddit, speak at the Union South as part of the Wisconsin Union Directorate’s Distinguished Lecture Series. In his own words, Alexis is a “startup guy making the world suck less,” working on reddit, breadpig, and hipmunk.  He also wrote a book called “Without Their Permission“, released last year.

The talk left me feeling inspired to make goals for myself and realize that there’s nothing standing in my way of getting things done. So, what does a designer do when they’re feeling inspired? Sketch about it, of course!

Alexis said something that really struck a cord with me, so that’s what I chose to sketch:




Keep in mind.. it’s just a quick sketch, definitely not perfect! However, I’m going to hang this at my desk and remind myself to get out there and make it happen – whatever “it” is. I hope you do the same!


Learn more about Alexis here, and follow him on Twitter!