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Madison, Wisconsin
Powderkeg Web Design
May 30, 2014

Great New Web Fonts

Great New Web Fonts

Every so often, I like to cruise around the internets looking for new typefaces to drool over admire. Since I am a web designer, I (obviously) gravitate towards web fonts because even though it’s old news by now, it still makes me so happy that I can use good typefaces online. Here’s some of the new ones that had my heart fluttering:



Talk about SWOON! This typeface will obviously be huge in the wedding world. If it had been around when I got married, it would certainly have been a contender for my invitations! Also, if I knew then what I knew now, I would totally make a wedding website and use it. Cuz, you know. It’s a web font, too!

Maritime Champion

maritime-champion1 maritime-champion2

Be still, my beating heart. This typeface has a crazy amount of character, does it not? I can barely stand it (in a good way).


strato1 strato2 strato3

Can I say it again? Ok, I will. Be still, my beating heart. I love everything about this typeface. The curved lines are so graceful. The geometric elements are beautiful. You can also stack these fonts, so the mix and match possibilities are endless!




Inspired by 19th century posters, this typeface is so well done. It’s so perfectly authentic looking!





Be still… ok, just kidding. But not really. This typeface not only has letters and numbers, but also includes a TON of ornaments! One thing I love about it is how it has a very specific look, but it can be used in so many settings. Beautiful AND versatile. Not bad.

That’s it people! Let me know what you think in the comments. Any other awesome tyepfaces you’ve seen lately?