If you run a site that allows users or guests to make comments then you have probably noticed you get a LOT of spam. There are thousands of people in the world trying to put comments on your page that redirect users to their site, or are otherwise unhelpful and unwanted. While WordPress has a decent comment system that can prevent much of the issues with comments, it still requires effort to keep your comments clear of malicious users.
Enter Disqus. Disqus is a comment system that works on multiple platforms, including WordPress, which maintains your site’s comments for you. While you will still have to do some moderation of your comments, nearly all of the malicious and annoying comments that constantly appear on your site will be removed and you will never have to see them.
To use Disqus on a WordPress site you only need to signup for an account and add the Disqus plugin to your site. You can even use one account to manage multiple site’s comments.
Thousands of sites are using Disqus and have for years now. I think you should too!