You don’t have long to make a positive impression on your website visitors. Content should be easy to find, read, and relate to. If your prospects are having a difficult time engaging with your brand, there is little motivation to continue down the path of becoming a customer.
Below you will find 4 changes to better align your website content with your target audience’s needs. First, I would recommend taking the time to actually think like your customer. Here is a list of 5 ways to do so, which I would recommend checking out NOW if you have not already.
1. Value Statement
Include a value statement on the homepage that ties together your customers’ needs and your solution. We like to place this within the homepage banner area, paired with a branded image or video.
2. Navigation
Simplify your website’s navigation by:
a) Using your customers’ terminology.
b) Keeping top level items focused on your audience’s core motivation and needs.
3. Service Pages
Add value to your service or product pages by answering common questions. This can be integrated within your main body content or broken out in to a separate FAQ section.
4. Call-To-Actions
Update your call-to-actions to support your audience’s motivations when browsing the website. It is important to keep in mind each stage of the buying journey.
Next Steps
If you have already taken the time to think like your customer, figuring out how to implement these content changes should come quite naturally. When you take the time to focus on your audience’s needs and create a positive user experience for them, everyone wins.